Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”)

The Company has carried out various CSR activities, including:

Community Development, involving the active participation of the Company and its Subsidiaries in events commemorating religious holidays, Independence Proclamations, and other local wisdom activities.

The delivery of Qurban to the community around the Company’s and its subsidiary operational area

Education, including internship programs for the community and residents around the Company’s and its subsidiary operational area.

Internship program for high school / vocational school students around the company’s and its subsidiary operational area

Economic, such as engaging local entrepreneurs and Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) as business partners for the Company and its Subsidiaries.

PT. MCT hire local residents as an effort to improve the economic conditions of the surrounding community

Health initiatives, including the active role of the company and its Subsidiary in community health, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, by providing masks, hand sanitizers, oxygen distribution, and campaigns involving the community regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Oxygen distribution to the Embalut village office.

Environmental improvement, involving the active role of the company and its Subsidiary in monitoring environmental impacts due to their activities, such as regular monitoring of soil, air, and water quality, including noise pollution.