Whistleblowing System

The Whistleblowing System (WBS) is a medium for all stakeholders to report any suspected illegal actions or behaviors or other practices that are not allowed in the Company. The implementation of WBS is expected to assist the Company in resolving all forms of violations or potential violations that can damage the positive image of the Company or the Company’s people.

How to Submit and Handle Violation Reports

The whistleblower can submit a disclosure/report of violation complaint through a written letter to the Company or via email corsec@ancaralogistics.com and will be managed by the WBS Manager. The WBS Manager will then supervise and provide decisions on reports submitted through the whistleblowing media in accordance with the hierarchy of the reported party.

Protection for Whistleblowers

The Company will follow up every incoming violation report through an investigation process accompanied by the collection of supporting evidence. If it is found that the report is not proven true, the process will be stopped and the complaint will be closed by the Company, but if the report is proven true, the Company will impose sanctions on the person concerned in accordance with the Company’s Corporate Regulations and applicable policies or in the event of a criminal offense will be forwarded to the authorized investigating agency.

Whistleblower Report

The Company provides protection for whistleblowers by guaranteeing the confidentiality of the whistleblower’s identity and protection from actions that harm the whistleblower from all forms of threats, intimidation or other unpleasant actions from any party. In situations where the whistleblower’s identity is known, the Company provides protection within the scope of work and within the Company’s operational areas.