General Meeting of Shareholders

GMS is the highest organ in the Company’s structure which acts as a forum for Shareholders to make important decisions related to the capital invested in the Company. However, the GMS cannot intervene in the duties, functions and authority of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors in carrying out the management or management of the Company without prejudice to the authority of the GMS in accordance with the provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association and prevailing laws and regulations. Decision-making in the GMS is always carried out reasonably and transparently, and is based on the Company’s business interests in the long term.

The organization of the GMS is regulated in the Company’s Articles of Association which refers to the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 15/POJK.04/2020 regarding the Plan and Implementation of General Meeting of Shareholders of Public Companies and Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 16/POJK.04/2020 regarding the Implementation of Electronic General Meeting of Shareholders of Public Companies.

The GMS consists of the Annual GMS, which must be held once a year at the latest 6 months after the Company’s financial year ends and other GMS or in practice often known as Extraordinary GMS, which is held at any time based on the need for the interests of the Company.